Viewing entries tagged
Andrew Street

Life Interrupted: Derailed Dreams

Life Interrupted: Derailed Dreams

Joseph - life interrupted (1).png

The story of Joseph and his brothers is one of jealousy, bitterness and betrayal.

When our dreams are derailed, how do we continue to trust God and keep emotionally and spiritually healthy?

Exodus: God's Instructions

Exodus: God's Instructions


What is Freedom?

In this talk, Andrew Street looks at the Ten Commandments:

  • Why were they given?

  • Are they still relevant?

  • How can we have true freedom today?

During the talk, Andrew mentions a book called ‘The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry’. If you’d like to find out more about this book, details can be found HERE.

Risk Takers: Justice

Risk Takers: Justice

Risk Takers

It’s not fair!

In this talk, Andrew Street looks at God’s heart for justice.

  • Why is there so much injustice in the world?

  • How do we see the role of justice worked out in the life of Jesus?

  • What should our response be?

Living as Foreigners: Persevering People

Living as Foreigners: Persevering People



In the final talk of our 'Living as Foreigners' series, Andrew Street discusses the power of perseverance for Christians today.

Good Grief: Lament

Good Grief: Lament

The Psalms is the worship book of the bible and many of them are songs of lament, coming to God with grief and hard questions. The challenge of suffering is that very often our grief and our questions cause us to move away from God rather than closer to him.

How and when can we incorporate lament into our worship diet? What songs of longing and lament are there? How do we find a God who grieves with us and over us when we bring our griefs to him.

True Israel

True Israel

The story of Jesus is the story of God’s true son. When Jesus is born as we prelude the Christmas story we see the one coming who resonates with the story of the nation of Israel but who is the one who will fulfil God’s heart to bless all nations. 

Whose earth is it anyway?

Whose earth is it anyway?

Whose is it anyway?

The Bible has a lot to say about good stewardship. Why is getting to grips with this topic fundamental to discipleship and a life of faith? What does God have to say about ownership, responsibility, accountability and reward?