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Helpful Habits

HELPFUL HABITS - Generosity (rather than greed) | Lara Morris

HELPFUL HABITS - Generosity (rather than greed) | Lara Morris

We live in an age that wants, even expects, more! It’s not just confined to money, but possessions, holidays, food etc. But there is something that can break the power of more.

In this talk, Lara Morris looks at what the bible teaches us about the helpful habit of generosity,

(Bible references for this talk are Luke 18:18-27; Luke 19:1-10; 2 Cor 9:6-15.)

HELPFUL HABITS - Forgiveness (rather than anger) | Dennis Arevalo

HELPFUL HABITS - Forgiveness (rather than anger) | Dennis Arevalo

Anger is not a sin, but how we handle our anger can often lead to us bringing hurt to others, ourselves or our relationship with God.

Forgiveness can be unbelievably hard, but it’s the only way to experience freedom and peace. What are some of the steps we can take to help us to forgive? Dennis continue our Helpful Habits series by looking at this.

(Bible references for this talk are Matthew 6:14-15, Colossians 3:13-14 and Romans 12: 17-21.)